What does General Liability Insurance Cover?

General Liability is a form of contractor’s insurance that helps a company in settling liability claims made against it. A company with this plan will benefit from being covered in advertising injury, third party personal injury, and third party property destruction. The costs of these compensations can make a business suffer financially or risk its operations.The General Liability Insurance helps a contractor to meet their liability claim without necessarily shutting down their doors. Liability claims are in huge amount, and small and medium companies can struggle to raise the amounts.

A General Liability Insurance covers the following claims:

Advertising Injury

For a small or a medium company to survive in any industry, advertising is required if it has to race against big and popular companies. At times the company needs to involve advertising agencies who with or without their consent may include external materials in the advert.
General liability will help a company cover the cost of claims made against it. A company may not own the rights to the music playing in the advert, and the cover will settle the claims made by the artist. These claims are at times massive, and a company can suffer financially to settle the complaining parties.

Reputational Harms

Business is not easy to run, and at times companies are sued for things they say about other companies. Other industry may sue the company of ruining their business reputation in adverts or during live interviews.

General Liability Insurance is there to set companies free when making opinions as reputational claims are covered. For a business to push its product into an existing industry, it may have to show the weak side of other products which may lead to being sued. Paying of General Liability premiums will secure the company from having to pay huge fines from these reputational harm claims.

Third Party Property Damage

The coverage can help a business settle property damages with a client site. Accidents happen, and a client ends up with damaged property. A simple task as landscaping can cause huge damages when a tree falls on property in a client’s yard or at the neighboring premises.
General liability cover will help in settling the fines repair or replace the damaged properties. A small company can be unable to resolve the claims but paying for the premiums will save them from closure.

A company needs to understand what the General Liability Insurance covers to avoid disappointment during claims. The cover does not cater for damages within the company, employee injuries or claims of errors in services. With a good a good General Liability Insurance cover, company owner/management can have peace of mind when there are third-party claims. The cover settles the claims as well as other legal processes charges.

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